Thursday, March 29, 2007

If only Furby had the VC


I can't beleive someone would call the wii a fad! Its ridiculous to think that a console with the pure number of games and the potential of the wii remote could be considered a fad.

Furby, Tamogotchi and and Tickle me Elmo really only do one thing. Furby says random things and says it again if you touch it or something. Tamogotchi is a simple game where you clean up and feed a digital animal, and Tickle me Elmo laughes. The wii will continue on its hectic pace and it will take, I think, 50% of the market if not more, forget about all the retarded people who don't know what their talking about. They're just jealous cause they don't have a wii yet.

check the comments section for the link.

1 comment:

RockSteady said...

So stupid...